I've said in several of the recipe posts that national brands of some dairy products are usually available in kosher-for-Passover form. Well, I was at the grocery store last night, and I spotted Breakstone's cottage cheese and salted and unsalted butter marked for Passover. I assume this is available nationwide, not just in major Jewish population centers like New York and Philadelphia. I took some pictures, so you can see what to look for. I have not yet spotted Passover yogurt or cream cheese, but I'll keep an eye out and post the pictures when I find them.
I know that most people are not normally strict about kashrut (if they observe it at all), but many people who aren't strict (or observant) year-round are more strict at Passover, and this is certainly a painless way to observe a stricter standard.
Note the Hebrew "kosher for Passover" marking on the Breakstone's butter label.
