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Showing posts from March, 2021

Very Veggie Pesach 2021: Avocado "Toast"

 Am I too late to be introducing this trendy food choice? It's a great breakfast, full of healthy fats that keep you satisfied all day along with many nutrients and more potassium than bananas! And like all fresh fruits (yes, avocado is a fruit), avocado is kosher for Passover. Toast, of course, is not, but you can easily spread the avocado on half a slice of matzah, and in fact it's easier to spread and eat that way than with a piece of toasted bread. And this is so easy to make that it hardly even counts as a recipe. But as a vegetarian I have to be mindful: where's the protein? Fortunately, avocado is one of the few fruits that has a significant amount of protein: 3 or 4 grams of complete protein per avocado! But, always watching my protein, I added some chopped nuts to the mash. If you're not a nut eater, you could put a fried egg on top, a common topping for avocado toast. This recipe makes two servings, which I know is a very small amount but you don't want to...